Check out what Park County Dems are up to! Here’s their post about their August meeting where they’ll consider how they might become interesting to the “Youth Vote”.
Minutes July 11, 2023
Minutes Johnson County Democratic Party Meeting July 11, 2023 Call to Order: Chair Greg Haas called the meeting to order at 6:06 pm. Agenda: There were no additions to the agenda. Attendance: Greg Haas, Mary Van Auken, Dudley Case, Sharon Case, Lois Petersen, Kim McCoy, Linda Wilson, Vikki Chenette. Secretary Report: The Minutes of June… Read more »
Agenda July 11, 2023
JC Dems Agenda July 11, 2023 at 6pm
Bomber Mtn Civic Center, Room 108
Minutes June 6, 2023
Johnson County Democratic Party Meeting Minutes DRAFT June 6, 2023 Bomber Mtn Civic Center, Room 108 Call to Order: Vice Chair Mary Van Auken called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Agenda: There were no additions to the agenda. Attendance: Mary Van Auken, Dudley Case, Sharon Case, Lois Petersen, Kim McCoy, Vikki Chenette. Secretary… Read more »

July Meeting Moved to 11th
The July JCDems Meeting will be held on July 11, 2023 at 6pm in the Bomber Mtn Civic Center. Enjoy your Independence Day!
New Dems Goods in the Shop
Have you seen the new materials on the WyoDems Store? Take a look. There are still a few days left in Pride Month! Go to Store

Natrona Reports on Hot Springs Panel
I just LOVE this! Natrona County Dems have a blog entry on their website about a panel put on by the Hot Springs County Dems. We are Here for Good, Together! Take a look.
That’s Where I Live
I asked one of the local musicians at the Johnson/Sheridan County Dems “Here For Good” event last Saturday if he would care to make a statement for the camera as to why he’s a Wyoming Democrat. His response cheered me up: “Why a WyoDem? Because that’s where I live!” (Then he went right back to… Read more »

Why are You a Wyoming Democrat?
This is an interesting little video. Several folks explaining, briefly, why they are Wyoming Democrats. Click here to watch it. I got a chuckle last Saturday when I asked one guy why he is a Wyoming Democrat. His response was, “Well, because that’s where I live!”
Minutes May 2, 2023
Johnson County Democratic Party Meeting May 2, 2023 Call to Order: Greg Haas called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Agenda: There were no additions to the agenda. Attendance: Dudley Case, Sharon Case, Lois Petersen, Lorajane Kessler, Vikki Chenette, and Greg Haas. Secretary Report: The Minutes of April 4th were accepted as published on… Read more »