Minutes Nov. 5th, 2019

JC Dems Minutes – Nov. 5, 2019
In Attendance: Greg Haas (C), Lois Petersen (S), Jim Shell (T), Bill McIntyre, Joanie Taylor, Mary VanAuken, Frank Pratt, Kaye McCormick, Bob Day and Kathie Day

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm

Started meeting with a phone conversation with Judith da Silva and Kevin Delaney. Kevin is with the National Organization Team for the Elizabeth Warren campaign and Judith is a volunteer organizer. Both are recruiting community leaders and volunteers to help support the Warren campaign. How to get more info from that campaign will be shared via the jc dems email list.

Oct. 1 minutes were approved as written: (Bill, Kathy)
Treasurer’s report: We currently have $2032.83 in our account.

The state party appointed Jeff Dockter (previously ran for State Auditor) as WDP treasurer.
Greg will show a video about how rank voting works at our next meeting. We will also discuss location and start planning for the upcoming caucus at the Dec. mtg.

Lois proposed setting up a New Year’s Gathering of JC Democrats to be held on Sun., Jan. 26 at 1 pm as a way to bring fellow Democrats together to discuss issues, get to know one another and combat the feeling of political isolation. Joanie moved, Mary seconded that we proceed with plans for the gathering. Approved. Motion made/approved (Bill, Kathy) to spend up to $200 in support of this effort.

Lois spoke about Better Angels and the Sheridan meeting she attended pertaining to this group. She passed out information about the organization and specifics related to an upcoming workshop scheduled for Nov. 21 in Sheridan. To register for the workshop, please go to: https://www.better-angels.org/event/depolarizing-within-workshop-sheridan-wy/

Jim Shell suggested we consider making a donation to Sheridan Community College in appreciation for free use of the classroom for our monthly meetings. Further discussion at our next meeting.

Next meeting will be Tues, Dec. 3 at 7 pm, Room 108, Bomber Mountain Center
Meeting adjourned at 8:40.