What to do now???

Aren’t happy with the current Republican Party in Wyoming? Disappointed (or appalled) by the allure of bigoted legislators seem to have for many Wyoming voters? Here’s an easy 3-step process that is the best chance at holding a firm space for inclusive government (and citizenship) in Wyoming:

Step 1: Don’t remain a Republican.
Is this virtue signaling? Sure! Because you have virtues, and values, that matter. By removing yourself from that party, by changing your party affiliation, you send a clear signal to that party that what they’re doing is not okay. Maybe you won’t be able to vote for the least-evil of their candidates in the Primary. Election data from recent years has made it clear that’s not a winning strategy. But you do you! If that is a game you still want to play, there is time to change back later, but…
Step 2: Don’t change back.
Let them fight their way to the bottom over there, and while they’re doing it…
Step 3: Run for office. As a Democrat.
That’s it. Sure, there are lots of noisemakers out there telling you to be a Republican. But there are lots of noisemakers out there telling you to be a fascist, and you don’t sign on to THAT party do you?

This is what you can do. If you’ve already done Steps 1 and 2, you’re 2/3rds of the way there! Feel free to get in touch to see how we can support your Step 3.