Aren’t happy with the current Republican Party in Wyoming? Disappointed (or appalled) by the allure of bigoted legislators seem to have for many Wyoming voters? Here’s an easy 3-step process that is the best chance at holding a firm space for inclusive government (and citizenship) in Wyoming:
Step 1: Don’t remain a Republican.
Is this virtue signaling? Sure! Because you have virtues, and values, that matter. By removing yourself from that party, by changing your party affiliation, you send a clear signal to that party that what they’re doing is not okay. Maybe you won’t be able to vote for the least-evil of their candidates in the Primary. Election data from recent years has made it clear that’s not a winning strategy. But you do you! If that is a game you still want to play, there is time to change back later, but…
Step 2: Don’t change back.
Let them fight their way to the bottom over there, and while they’re doing it…
Step 3: Run for office. As a Democrat.
That’s it. Sure, there are lots of noisemakers out there telling you to be a Republican. But there are lots of noisemakers out there telling you to be a fascist, and you don’t sign on to THAT party do you?
This is what you can do. If you’ve already done Steps 1 and 2, you’re 2/3rds of the way there! Feel free to get in touch to see how we can support your Step 3.