Johnson County Democratic Party Meeting Minutes
March 4, 2025
Bomber Mountain Civic Center, Room 108
Call to Order:
Chair Greg Haas called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm, followed by the attendees’ pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Roll Call: All voting members present. No proxy votes.
Agenda approved with no additions.
8 voting members of the Central Committee. 4 non-voting present.
Secretary Report:
Acceptance of Jan 7, 2025 meeting minutes unanimously with no changes.
Treasurer Report:
Treasurer presented current financial standing.
Chair Announcements:
- Chair reported on State Party Reorg meeting and State Convention to be held at the end of May 2025.
Officer Elections:
- Motion was made, seconded, discussed and passed on how to conduct the elections.
- Nominations for each office were made prior to each election.
- Vote between two candidates for Chair conducted via paper ballot.
- Vote between two candidates for Vice Chair conducted via paper ballot.
- Secretary, Treasurer, State Committeewoman and State Commiteeman were elected via acclimation.
- The results of the elections were:
- Chair: Greg Haas
- Vice Chair: Mary Van Auken
- Secretary: Kyla Griffith
- Treasurer: Dudley Case
- State Committeewoman: Lois Petersen
- State Committeeman: Dudley Case
- Two Precinct Committeewomen were appointed and approved:
- Vikki Chenette (04-07)
- Laura Harmon (03-04)
- Chair will present to County Clerk Camino and WDP Chair Barbuto the results of the above elections.
Old Business:
- JC Dems are scheduled to do volunteer work at JC-FFF Wednesday at 4pm.
- Report was made about the mini-pantry. People interested in helping with donations of food, time or money can send us a note here: Contact Us. It remains an all volunteer-funded program so any and all help is welcome.
- Motion was made, seconded, discussed and passed to table the Dems101 discussion.
- Chairman of the William D. McIntyre Memorial Scholarship presented a report on the scholarship fundraising plans, status of applications received and the next scheduled meeting of the scholarship committee (April 3, 2025 at 10:15 in the JC Library)
- Movie (9 to 5) on March 18, 2025. Social hour 6-7pm. Showtime at 7pm. Hors d’oeuvre and concession stand will be available.
- Motion made, seconded, discussed and passed to have JC Dems informational material available at the March 18 event.
New Business:
- Discussion about WDP’s Legislative watch, how to get involved by email and slack for sending and receiving information about Legislature’s work.
- Minorities and Allies Caucus has formed and has a third meeting scheduled for Dec 14th.
- County Officer Elections – March 4, 2025
- Dems101 “Democratic Creed” was presented for consideration.
- Discussion about purchasing “Equality State Stickers” for swag and fundraising purposes. No motion.
Other Business and announcements from the floor:
- Information was shared from an ad in the Country Bounty regarding county-level planning. The ad seeks input from the public by asking them to visit this website.
Upcoming Meetings:
- Next Monthly CCC Meeting – April 1, 2025 at 6:00pm.
- County Party Round Table is scheduled for March 12, 2024 at 6:00pm.
- Worlds of Music is holding events this week.
- The Quilts are up at the JC Library.
- The meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm.