Johnson County Democratic Party Meeting Minutes
May 7, 2024
Bomber Mountain Civic Center, Room 108
Call to Order:
Chair Greg Haas called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were no additions to the agenda.
7 members of the Central Committee. 3 JC Dems.
Secretary Report:
The Minutes of April 2 were approved and will be entered into the record.
Treasurer Report:
Dudley reported income and expenses for general and scholarship accounts as of 5/1/24, providing a Balance Sheet for filing. A check covering the rental fee has been sent to Kearney Community Hall for the June 9th event.
Chair Announcements:
- None
Old Business:
- Johnson County Dems HERE for GOOD ads appeared in the Buffalo Bulletin in late February and again in March to help promote the good things Democrats are doing at the national level. A motion was made and seconded to allocate $400.00 to purchase ads for 3 months, amended to read for once a month for May, June, and July. Motion carried. Topic to be revisited in July.
- Johnson County Dems Adopt a Highway volunteers worked two shifts on 5/4, with about a dozen members. Our official sign on 16 West near our designated stretch looks great. They also picked up trash on the bypass road and enjoyed lunch nearby.
- Johnson County Dems Convention was held on 4/13/24 at the Library. We will send 5 delegates to the state convention on June 1st in Casper. Platforms adopted at county conventions inform the state committee what to include in the state platform. We have a great platform. Our convention results have been shared with the WDP.
- Plans for the 4th Annual Sheridan County/Johnson County Potluck Gathering are well underway, with a joint committee representing both groups again lining up volunteers, donations, and publicity. Greg described effective coordinated phone banking and will provide training soon. Lois suggests about 5 people do phone banking together over 2 days to further promote the event.
- Due to helpful fund-raising this year the William D. McIntyre Memorial Scholarship Committee awarded three $500.00 scholarships this year to Cora Turner from Buffalo High School, and Denise Ortega-Chavez and Casey LeDoux from Kaycee High School. An alternate graduating senior was also selected should one of the recipients choose not to continue their education. Students and school counselors have been notified and a press release was published in the Buffalo Bulletin 5/2/24 edition.
- Lunch forums will take a break for the summer months.
- We will revisit our Strategic Plan, available in our online collaboration folder, at the June meeting.
- The position of Secretary remains unfilled. Vikki agreed to prepare tonight’s minutes.
New Business:
- Johnson County Primary Elections will be held on August 20th. Election judges are needed for both primary and general elections. Training will be provided by the county clerk. Stipends and lunch when working elections are provided. Contact County clerk asap for training dates.
- New ideas are needed to help raise funds in support of state-wide party activities, such as messaging, candidate support, and improved communication between county and state parties.
Upcoming Meetings:
- CCC Monthly Meeting June 4, 2024 at 6pm
- The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:40 pm.