Johnson County Democratic Party Meeting Minutes
July 2, 2024
Bomber Mountain Civic Center, Room 108
Call to Order:
Chair Greg Haas called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were no additions to the agenda.
5 members of the Central Committee.
Secretary Report:
Approval of May 7 meeting minutes tabled.
Treasurer Report:
Chair presented treasurer’s report which had been provided by Treasurer.
Chair Announcements:
- Chair shared web address for the Cameron for Congress campaign, requested donations of time and funds.
Old Business:
- Kearney Hall – Kim has many gift bags remaining. Possible uses were discussed.
- Bulletin ad should appear next week.
New Business:
- Chair will initiate committee, incl. invitation to join, for planning Sept 6 “welcome dinner” prior to SCC meeting on Sept 7.
- See WyoDems site for statement on SCOTUS decision.
- Cameron guest speaker.
- Cameron Meet & Greet July 11 in Sheridan.
Upcoming Meetings:
- WDP County Party Round-table zoom Wed the 10th
- Next CCC meeting August 6th at 6pm.
- The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:05 pm.