Johnson County Democratic Party Meeting Minutes
December 3, 2024
Bomber Mountain Civic Center, Room 108
Call to Order:
Chair Greg Haas called the meeting to order at 6:06 pm, followed by the attendees’ pledge renewal of allegiance.
Agenda approved with two additions: Mini-pantry & Sheridan Billboard support
5 voting members of the Central Committee.
Secretary Report:
Approval of October 1 meeting minutes.
Treasurer Report:
Chair presented treasurer’s reports for previous two months.
Chair Announcements:
- New WDP “Action” listserv & bookclub
Old Business:
- Follow-up on election, discussion, reflection & debriefing. Comment was made that the candidates WyoDems presented were solid humans and we need to maintain that level of quality in our candidates.
New Business:
- Discussion about WDP’s Legislative watch and other Wyoming orgs doing similar work.
- Minorities and Allies Caucus has formed and has a third meeting scheduled for Dec 14th.
- County Convention – March 2025
- Mini-pantry: JC-FFF has decided to discontinue. JC Dems group will continue to partner with Cornerstone Pharmacy to provide the one mini-pantry. Opportunity for Dems/Volunteers to assist, weekly or monthly!
- Motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to donate $100.00 of JC Dems funds to Sheridan County Dems towards their billboard project.
Other Business and announcements from the floor:
- None
Upcoming Meetings:
- Next Monthly CCC Meeting – January 7, 2025 at 6:00pm.
- County Party Round Table is scheduled for December 11, 2024 at 6:00pm.
- Comms Call – December moved to Wed the 4th and Wed the 18th at 7pm.
- Lunch forums are still on hold.
- The meeting was adjourned at 7:05pm.