Johnson County Democratic Party Meeting
November 7, 2023
Bomber Mountain Civic Center, Room 108
Call to Order:
Chair Greg Haas called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were no additions to the agenda.
Greg Haas, Mary VanAuken, Lois Petersen, Kim McCoy, Vikki Chenette
Secretary Report:
The Minutes of October 3rd were approved and will be entered into the record.
Treasurer Report:
Dudley reported income and expenses for general and scholarship accounts as of 10/1/23, providing a Balance Sheet for filing.
Chair Announcements:
Three public lands issues before the public for comment: Sheridan Democratic Party is asking for letters before 11/13 to Deputy Director Jason Crowder of the State Lands and Investment Board opposing the Columbus Peak Land Exchange in Sheridan County. See:
Teton County Democrats are opposed to the Kelly parcel auction. There are several public hearing scheduled around the state. See:
Public comment ends January 17th for the BLM’s proposed bonding policy revisions related to land around Rock Springs. For more info see:
Vanessa V. is giving away a grill with minor hail damage, and several upcoming Christmas Open House dates were around the community were shared.
Old Business:
Greg reported our Strategic Plan accessible on the Google Drive now includes results of last month’s discussion on JCDP’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
Lois reported on plans underway for our November 30th Meat the Future film night to benefit the William D. McIntyre Scholarship. Buffalo Theater reserved, $10.00 tickets available for purchase in advance or at the door, members, friends, and local media being contacted, and volunteers donating appetizers for the social hour. The gift basket raffle drawing will be held right before Valentine’s Day. Tickets will be $5.00 each or $20.00 for five tickets. The new Info cards will be available for outreach.
New Business:
Discussion of postcards mailed anonymously attacking Rep. Barry Crago. No action taken.
Kim won tonight’s Trivia Quiz $10.00 gift certificate from Margo’s.
Upcoming Meetings:
Our next meeting will be held December 5, 2023 at 6:00pm.
Comms Call on first and third Tuesdays at 7:00pm
County Officer Round-table Zoom Dec 13th at 6:00pm
The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm.