Minutes June 6, 2023

Johnson County Democratic Party Meeting Minutes
June 6, 2023
Bomber Mtn Civic Center, Room 108

Call to Order: Vice Chair Mary Van Auken called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

Agenda: There were no additions to the agenda.

Attendance: Mary Van Auken, Dudley Case, Sharon Case, Lois Petersen, Kim McCoy, Vikki Chenette.

Secretary Report: The Minutes of May 2nd were accepted as published on the website.

Treasurer Report: Dudley reported income and expenses for both general and scholarship accounts as of 6/01/23 and provided a printed statement showing amounts received via Act Blue and other donations to the general account this past month. Some tickets for our joint June 17th event have been purchased online, with proceeds split evenly with Sheridan County Democrats.

Old Business: The William D. McIntyre Memorial Scholarship committee met on May 9th to make small revisions to the 2024 Guidelines, Rules, and Application. Dixie McIntyre will join the committee as an Honorary Member. It was decided not to hold a raffle as our fundraising has provided for next year’s awards. Following discussion, a motion was made that raffle ticket stub date not be used for contacts and should be destroyed. Motion was seconded and passed by unanimous vote.

Lois reported on the rescheduled Adopt-a-Highway clean up along 16 West on June 10th from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Meet at the picnic tables where the road widens on the left side as you head towards the mountain. Bags and vests will be provided, bring gloves and pick-up tools if you have any. Several people have said they are planning to attend.

Plans for the 3rd annual County/Johnson County Potluck Gathering, themed “HERE for GOOD” to be held Saturday, June 17th at Kearney Community Hall, were also shared by Lois. Volunteers still needed for some key tasks, live and silent auction donations, and getting the word out to everyone using a variety of media was emphasized. Vikki reported on the silent auction, and Lois stated David Myers from Sheridan will act as auctioneer for home-baked goods and other live auction donations.

Suzi, Lois, and Vikki have recently maintained the Friends Feeding Friends mini-pantry at the Cornerstone Pharmacy.

Topics at the recent State Central Committee meeting included Messaging, miniVan and Votebuilder, Goal-Setting, Under-35 Engagement, and Voter Registration.

New Business:
A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously that due to the July 4th holiday the next meeting date will be July 11th.

Mary adjourned the meeting at 7:00 pm.