Minutes June 7, 2022

Johnson County Democratic Party Minutes
June 7, 2022
Bomber Mountain Community Center

In attendance:
Gregory Haas, Lois Petersen, Jim Shell, Kate Sherwood, Suzi and Mitch Black, Lynn Gordon.
Call to order:
Greg Haas called the meeting to order at 7:04pm. Everyone reaffirmed their allegiance to the flag and republic.
from the May 3rd meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer Report:
Suzi Black reported the current checking account balances for the general fund and the Scholarship Fund.
Motion was made by Lois, seconded by Kate to authorize Suzi to spend up to $20 to purchase a new case to use for treasurer business. Motion approved.
Chair Announcements:
Greg announced that Myra Camino is running for City Council as a write-in candidate.
Old Business:
The scholarship website is up and running and Greg provided a demo of its use.
State Convention in Rock Springs – June 11-12, 2022

  • At present, delegates planning to attend the convention are Greg Haas, Lois Petersen, and Mary Van Auken.
  • A motion was made by Lois and seconded by Mitch to pay up to $300 out of our current budget toward convention costs, if needed, in order to support the attendance of our Chair and Vice Chair. Motion approved.
Position Paper:

  • Greg presented the start of a draft aimed at pairing down the details of our county platform in an effort to create talking points for use in a handout. He will be sending his draft out for input from others.
New Business:
There was further discussion of ‘fun events’ we would like to consider sponsoring in the upcoming year including Lunch Forums, as introduced last year by Bill McIntyre, a Labor Day picnic in the park that Vikki Chenette will be looking into, and a shared event with Sheridan County Dems that Lois is exploring.
Other announcements:
Lois called attention to the fact that Vickie Edelman is not running to keep her seat as County Clerk and commended her for fine work on County Elections.
Next Meeting:
Tues., July 5th at 7 pm at Bomber Mountain Community Center
Meeting adjourned at 8:01.