Johnson County Democratic Party Minutes
June 7, 2022
Bomber Mountain Community Center
- In attendance:
- Gregory Haas, Lois Petersen, Jim Shell, Kate Sherwood, Suzi and Mitch Black, Lynn Gordon.
- Call to order:
- Greg Haas called the meeting to order at 7:04pm. Everyone reaffirmed their allegiance to the flag and republic.
- Minutes
- from the May 3rd meeting were approved as written.
- Treasurer Report:
- Suzi Black reported the current checking account balances for the general fund and the Scholarship Fund.
- Motion was made by Lois, seconded by Kate to authorize Suzi to spend up to $20 to purchase a new case to use for treasurer business. Motion approved.
- Chair Announcements:
- Greg announced that Myra Camino is running for City Council as a write-in candidate.
- Old Business:
- The scholarship website is up and running and Greg provided a demo of its use.
- State Convention in Rock Springs – June 11-12, 2022
- At present, delegates planning to attend the convention are Greg Haas, Lois Petersen, and Mary Van Auken.
- A motion was made by Lois and seconded by Mitch to pay up to $300 out of our current budget toward convention costs, if needed, in order to support the attendance of our Chair and Vice Chair. Motion approved.
- Position Paper:
- Greg presented the start of a draft aimed at pairing down the details of our county platform in an effort to create talking points for use in a handout. He will be sending his draft out for input from others.
- New Business:
- There was further discussion of ‘fun events’ we would like to consider sponsoring in the upcoming year including Lunch Forums, as introduced last year by Bill McIntyre, a Labor Day picnic in the park that Vikki Chenette will be looking into, and a shared event with Sheridan County Dems that Lois is exploring.
- Other announcements:
- Lois called attention to the fact that Vickie Edelman is not running to keep her seat as County Clerk and commended her for fine work on County Elections.
- Next Meeting:
- Tues., July 5th at 7 pm at Bomber Mountain Community Center
- Meeting adjourned at 8:01.