Minutes Feb 4, 2020

JC Dems Minutes – Feb. 4, 2020

In Attendance: Greg Haas (C), Lois Petersen (S), Jim Shell (T), Bill McIntyre (SCM), Juanita Bybee, Anita Bybee, John O’Laughlin, Bob Day, Kathie Day (SCW), Bob McDowell, Pat McDowell, Dudley Case, Sharon Case, and guest Lyn Haas

Meeting was called to order and pledge recited at 7:02 pm. Introductions were made.

Minutes of Jan. 7, 2020 minutes were approved with one correction
Treasurer’s report: We currently have $2,284.28 in our account.

Announcements from the chair:
Greg noted several upcoming training sessions. Dudley offered to list the trainings and get that info out to those who might be interested in attending them.

The Nellie Tayloe Ross Banquet will take place on Feb. 22 in Cheyenne. Bill McIntyre reserved a table at the banquet. If you are interested in being seated at that table, contact Bill – wmcintyre@rtconnect.net asap. For more information, go to https://www.nellietayloeross.com/.

Old Business: The Social Gathering for JC Democrats had nearly 60 people in attendance and provided an opportunity to meet new people and get more people informed and involved.

New Business: Fundraising ideas were discussed – hats, scarves – no motion was made to pursue this. A suggestion was made to sell remaining JC Dems t-shirts at the April 4 caucus.

Announcements from the floor: A free showing of a movie introducing the Better Angels movement – helping depolarize American politics – will take place Wed., Feb. 12 at 7 pm at the JC Library. Members of all political parties are encouraged to attend.

Next meeting: Tues, Mar. 3 at 7 pm, Room 108, Bomber Mountain Center

Meeting adjourned at 7:55.