Call to Convene

I, Gregory Haas, Chair of the Johnson County Democratic Party, do hereby invite Johnson County Democrats to convene on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at the online format provided by the Wyoming Democratic Party to commence at 6:00 PM. -signed: Gregory Haas

MAY 19, 2020

Call to Order
County Party Chairman

Pledge of Allegiance, Opening Remarks, and Recognitions
Approval of Agenda

Report of the Credentials and Ballots Committee

Presidential Preference Caucus
Result of the Caucus and Allocation of Delegates is Announced

Election of Delegates to the State Convention
Convention Votes Whether to Send Full or Half Delegates to the State Convention
Preference Caucus Gather to Elect Delegates
Delegate Information is provided to the County Party

Consideration of the Platform and Resolutions
Platform is Presented by Chair of the Platform and Resolutions Committee Platform is Debated and Amended by Convention
Platform is Adopted by the Convention

Other Business


*Speeches, presentations and other business may be interspersed throughout the agenda at the discretion of the County Party Chair.