Johnson County Democratic Party Committee Meeting Minutes
● January 8, 2019 ●
Call to order
Meeting called to order at 6pm. Pledge was recited. Sign in sheet was circulated. Chairman McIntyre, Treasurer Shell, Secretary Haas and State Committeewoman Vogel were among those present.
Reports and Announcements
Secretary shared the minutes from December 04, 2018. No changes suggested and they’ll be filed. Secretary reported JC-FFF has agreed to make a presentation during February meeting. Secretary reported on receiving feedback per the two motions from 12/04/2018 meeting and intends to have that feedback prepared and sent to the WDP before the end of the coming weekend.
Treasurer’s report: $1377.87, $88.00, Final check to WDP for $598.50 has been processed.$1465.87 current balance. $2534.13 to raise coffers to $4000.00.
Chairman: 13Feb through 05March Chair will be gone.
Old Business
See Secretary’s report above.
New Business
Chairman explained election rules for electing county party officers. Only precinct committee men and women can vote for the four officers and the two committeemen and committeewomen. Greg moved that the election take place March 23rd, 2019 at 10am, in the Johnson County Library. Kay seconded. Motion passed.
Wyoming Promise is shifting efforts from ballot initiative to legislative activity. Legislation has been introduced in U.S. Congress to promote the 28th amendment (overturning Citizens United supreme court decision and getting “dark money” out of elections). Stay tuned and contact legislators at state and federal level with your opinions.
Wyoming legislative session began today. The website has lots of information and schedules to help citizens contact legislators and be involved.
Joanie shared information about Nate Martin’s efforts to facilitate communication with state legislators about particular issues, for instance through a new series of stories he’s calling State of Insecurity. His reporting is a good resource for those interested in progressive and can be found at
There being no further business the chairman adjourned the meeting at 7:10pm.
Submitted by Greg Haas, Secretary